
eSports, or electronic sports, is a term for the playing of video games as an esport. It's often associated with professional gaming and has become a phenomenon in recent years.

eSports are typically multi-player video games played competitively at a professional level. Some of the most popular eSports include League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive and Overwatch. As of November 2017, there are 542 professional eSports tournaments resulting in $110 million in prize money. The world's largest eSport event is called The International and takes place annually in Seattle. It features around 18 million hours of live broadcast to over 20 million people worldwide.

If you're interested in playing competitively or want to learn more about this growing industry, read on to find out more about eSports!

Who Plays eSports?

eSports are typically played by a variety of gamers, but there are some who have made a name for themselves based on their skill.

Some of the most notable pro gamers include:

* Faker - The world's best League of Legends player

* SumaiL - The world's best Dota 2 player

* Olofmeister- Former CS:GO pro player who retired in late 2017 to become an analyst

* FlashX- Current CLG League of Legends member. Other notable players include Cloud9 and Team Liquid.

Why eSports Are Important

eSports are games that are played competitively, often at a professional level. There is a wide variety of eSports and the most popular ones include League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive and Overwatch. In November 2017 alone there were 542 tournaments that generated $110 million in prize money and the largest eSport event is called The International which takes place annually in Seattle with 18 million hours of live broadcast to over 20 million people worldwide.

If you're interested in playing competitively or want to learn more about this growing industry, read on to find out more about eSports!

How To Get Started Playing

Playing eSports is a bit like playing any other sport, you need to have a certain level of skill and practice.

The best way to start with eSports is to play games that are popular in the community.

To get started with League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive and Overwatch, you can download the game for free before starting to play competitively.

If you're not sure where to find these games, go on YouTube and search League of Legends tutorials or look up your favorite streamers and see what games they play!

Pick A Game

eSports games are typically games that have a lot of players at once and require lots of strategy. Some examples include League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive and Overwatch. The game you pick will depend on your personal preferences and skill level.

Find A Team To Join

One way to get in on the action is to find a team to join. You can play at home by yourself or with friends, but it's more exciting when you have a team to compete against. Teams are a great way for eSports players to meet new people and form friendships. If you want to be taken seriously as an eSports player, you'll need to join a team. Joining a team also helps with networking as you'll have more opportunities for potential sponsorships or tournament participation.

Know Your Limits

If you're interested in playing competitively or just want to learn more about this growing industry, it's important to know your limits. Just like any other competitive sport, eSports requires a lot of time and dedication. Competitive gamers often start training from a young age and spend hours practicing each day. So if you're thinking about getting into eSports, you should be aware that it's not an easy hobby or profession to pick up.

But even if you don't plan on becoming a professional gamer, getting involved with eSports can be beneficial for you and your business. Playing video games has been shown to improve motor skills, decision-making skills, teamwork skills and spatial reasoning skills. Plus, this is a great way to connect with your target audience – the next generation!

Cyberbullying And Harassment

One of the biggest risks of playing eSports competitively is cyberbullying and harassment. When you're in the gaming industry, it's not uncommon to experience sexual harassment or bullying of some form. Many people who play competitively are at risk of being harassed. One way to avoid this is by using a VPN which will protect you against third-party snooping, making sure that your anonymity is intact and nobody can find out who you are.


If you want to know how to get started playing eSports, there are a few things you can do to get started. First, you need to pick a game. Some of the most popular games played as eSports include League of Legends, Starcraft, and Dota 2. Then, you need to find a team. One way to do this is by joining a league that has players of your skill level. Finally, you need to know your limits. It is important that you know when it is time to take a break because extended time playing without breaks can have negative effects on your health.